Training center

Training and education is done through the research laboratories but also in a Dedicated Training Centre to teach accurate laboratory diagnostic procedures, including sample collection, storage and transport of biological specimens, quality assurance, laboratory management and bio safety. Additional higher-level specialized courses will be offered on vector borne diseases, rabies diagnostics, and specialized courses on other infectious diseases.
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It is composed of 1) a “wet lab” teaching platform including a Video- Conferencing system for e-learning, 2) a standard class room for lectures and 3) a BSL2 security lab to give students the opportunity to acquire the proper reflexes when working on bio security Level 2 agents (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, etc…)

The IP Laos Training Centre is able to host a maximum of 16 students at a time.
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It is set up to train both IPL staff and extramural trainees working at national, provincial or district level. It can also serve as a regional facility for biosecurity enhancement.
A syllabus of Short courses in the areas of basic microbiological skills, serology, molecular biology, biosafety, scientific writing, etc. will be set up for extramural trainees.

Furthermore, the Training Center host a wide range of regional training courses in with the context of the Institut Pasteur International Network (RIIP). All courses are given in English or French except for training of provincial health workers where the courses will be translated into Lao.

