Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); relationship with infectious diseases
Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute.
Swiss Tropical Public Health Institute.
Luxembourg Institute of Health.
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Luxembourg.
Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg.
Investigate the current WASH levels in rural Lao communities and their relationship to infectious diseases and evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the general population towards WASH levels.
Several serious infectious diseases are spread by poor water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The levels of WASH in Lao PDR are varied and improvement is challenging. The purpose of this study is to determine the current WASH levels in rural Lao communities and to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of the general population towards WASH. Furthermore, we aim to determine the previous exposure to key WASH-related infectious diseases by assessing the antibody level and to assess the prevalence and the risk factors of WASH-related helminth infestation and the association with WASH levels. In this way, we will enhance our understanding of the connection between WASH conditions and infectious diseases in rural Lao communities.
Sample collection was from 26 January 2023 to 26 March 2023 in 82 villages across 3 districts of Khammouane province: Mahaxay, Nakai and Bualapha. 2300 blood samples and 2042 stool samples were collected. Serum samples were examined for hepatitis A and E antibodies by ELISA, and the stool samples were examined for parasitic infection using the Formalin Ether Concentration technique. The stool sample finding was reported to the provincial and district hospitals and, subsequently, to the villagers at an individual level. Anti-parasite treatment was provided to participants.
Data analysis is ongoing to determine WASH levels and their relationship with serology. This research is a part of Vilaysone Khounvisith’s PhD.