Vector mapping, characterization of insecticide resistance of Aedes populations, and entomology capacity development in the Lao PDR (ARBOVEC)
+ Dr. Sebastien Marcombe (IPL)
+ Dr. Paul Brey (IPL)
+ Dr. Ian Sutherland (NMRC)
1 Recommendations to the Ministry of Health of Laos for national dengue vector control
The purpose of this project, implemented in 2014 and 2015, was to provide entomology capacity building, identify circulating levels of insecticide resistance, and improve data on vector risk profiles in high priority locations in Laos. The main objectives were to evaluate the levels of insecticide resistance in the vector populations in the Lao PDR, the types and mechanisms of insecticide resistance, evaluate in semi-field trials the common insecticide formulations used in Laos versus candidate insecticides for larval control, and to improve medical entomology capacity in Laos. The successful studies carried out by the project contributed to creating a comprehensive map of the levels of insecticide resistance in the Lao PDR and generating an Insecticide Resistance Database of the main dengue vectors in Laos. The Institut Pasteur du Laos was then able to guide Lao public health authorities in the design and implementation of Insecticide Resistance Management strategies by making important recommendations to the Ministry of Health for dengue vector control (cf. below).
Financial support
The ARBOVEC project was initiated thanks to the research grant from U.S. Naval Medical Research Center – Asia.
Publications in progress
Marcombe S, Sutherland I, Brey PT, and Jones A. Characterization of cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels of mosquitoes from the Lao PDR.
Marcombe S, Khounsombat K, Hertz J, Sutherland I, and Brey PT. New insecticides for larval control of insecticide-resistant Aedes aegypti, the main dengue vector in the Lao PDR.
Marcombe S, Khounsombat K, Sutherland I, and Brey PT. Insecticide-resistance status of the dengue vectors of the Lao PDR and mechanisms involved.
Tangenal J-AA, Marcombe S, Thammavong P, Chonephetsarath S, Somphong B, Sayteng K, Grandadam M, Sutherland I, Lindsay SW, and Brey P.T. Bionomics and insecticide resistance of the arboviral vector Aedes albopictus in the northern Lao PDR. 2017. PlosNTD. Submitted